To truly appreciate the dynamic relationships involved, we will look at the types of decisions that the Calgary Stampede faces. This experience will not only shed light on the inner workings of the Calgary Stampede, but also instill a deep appreciation for collaboration and decision-making, with a dollop of Western Hospitality!
English Language Arts & Literature
How do comprehension strategies enhance interpretations of texts?
Students interpret and respond to texts through application of comprehension strategies.
Make connections between new ideas and information in texts and known ideas and information.
Perspectives can evolve for a variety of reasons (passage of time, experience, context, etc.)
Artifacts as texts can provide insights into contexts of people, time, or place.
Social Studies: Democracy: Action and Participation
Students will recognize how individuals and government interact and bring about changes within their local and national communities.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of democracy (...) i.e justice, equity, freedoms, representation
Students will analyze how individuals, groups, and associations within a community impact decision making of local and provincial governments.
Alberta Education. (2005). Social studies kindergarten to grade 12 (K-6 inclusive) [Program of studies].
Alberta Education. (2023). English Language Arts and Literature (K-6) [curriculum]. Alberta Education. (2023). Science (K-6) [curriculum].