English Language Arts & Literature:
Text Comprehension is supported by applying varied strategies
Students analyze information, contexts, and perspectives using a variety of comprehension strategies (predicting, inferring, making connections, summarizing, synthesizing, and evaluating).
Students make inferences based on content that is implicit in texts. Students will revise or confirm predictions based on new or additional information from texts and additional sources.
Context refers to the circumstances that form the background of a person, event, idea, or text.
Investigate background information about the author or text creator to provide context for informational texts.
Social Studies: Canada: The Land, Histories, and Stories
Students will appreciate how changes can impact citizenship and identity.
Students will value Canada’s physical geography and natural environment.
Demonstrate care and concern for the environment through their choices and actions.
Students will analyze how people in Canada interact with the environment.
Histories and Stories of Ways of Life in Canada
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the people and the stories of Canada and their ways of life over time and appreciate the diversity of Canada’s heritage.
Students will appreciate the complexity of identity in the Canadian context:
Students will recognize how changes in society can affect identity.
Alberta Education. (2005). Social studies kindergarten to grade 12 (K-6 inclusive) [Program of studies]. https://education.alberta.ca/media/3273004/social-studies-k-6-pos.pdf
Alberta Education. (2023). English Language Arts and Literature (K-6) [curriculum]. https://curriculum.learnalberta.ca/curriculum/en/s/laneng Alberta Education. (2023). Science (K-6) [curriculum]. https://curriculum.learnalberta.ca/curriculum/en/s/sci