Through artifacts, hands-on exploration, and storytelling, Guy Weadick’s vision of celebrating the old West will come to life. Together in this hands-on field trip, we’ll uncover how the Stampede brings Calgarians together, forming bonds, a sense of belonging, and cherished memories.

English Language Arts & Literature:

  • What messages are conveyed through ideas and information?

  • Students investigate meaning communicated in texts.

  • Responses to messages include discussions.

  • Connections can be made between ideas in texts and background knowledge.

  • Students share personal connections to ideas or information.

Social Studies: Belonging and Connecting

  • Students will value groups and communities to which they belong.

  • Students will examine how they belong and are connected to their world.

  • Students will appreciate how stories/events of the past connect to the present.

  • Students will analyze how their families and communities in the present are influenced by events or people of the past.

Alberta Education. (2005). Social studies kindergarten to grade 12 (K-6 inclusive) [Program of studies].

Alberta Education. (2023). English Language Arts and Literature (K-6) [curriculum]. Alberta Education. (2023). Science (K-6) [curriculum].